
Third Installment

No More Butterfly Kisses!
"If I ever reach for that type of yarn again, I want you to break my arm"

- talking about some eyelash yarn; Hillsdale, NJ

Turn Your Heartache Into Joy
If you can't be, with the yarn you love, love the yarn you're with.

- The Point NYC

Don't forget to send your submissions into overheardinayarnshop(at)gmail(dot)com!!

This site can only be as good as you make it!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I just found this site through Ravelry and in the two seconds I've been on it, it's become one of my favorites! I promise to put my extendable ears in and eavesdrop on fellow knitters the next time I'm near some.
PS- CSN and sometimes Y is one of my favorite bands and that song is one of my faves too.