
oops, long time, no post!

Where did that week go!? How is it that I didn't really post at all? Ah well, here are some to tide you over. All were submitted from ALittleQuacky via email:

How to follow directions
Knitter: after looking at sign It says "Come sit and Knit?" Does that mean we can sit and knit?

The biggest problem a knitter faces is getting into the LYS
Knitter: noticing yarn store Look! A yarn store!
husband/friends dragging knitter away: No it isn't!

To submit, drop an email off to overheardinayarnshop(at)gmail(dot)com or visit our Ravelry Group!


Two to make up for an upgrade!

Knit Socks vs. Macy's Socks
Yarnsumer: Do you have any DPNs smaller than size 5?
LYSO: Maybe. ~digs in drawer~ I have 1 1/2's, will that do?
Yarnsumer: I guess.
Propreitor: What are you knitting, socks?
LYSO: Yes, as a matter of fact.
Other Customer: You know you can get those at Macy's.
LYSO: ~nods knowingly~
Yarnsumer drops her jaw in shock.

~submitted by A. Nonny Mouse

So, sorry for not posting yesterday. I upgraded my operating system (I have a Mac) from Mac 10.3.9 to 10.5. This is obviously a huge jump, and I just got so excited and into testing out all the fun features last night that I plain forgot to post. But here's another overhearing to make up for it!

Let's admit we've all been here and move on....
Yarnsumer: Before you close I need to buy some needles
LYSO: Oh! You're here as an actual customer!

~submitted by ALittleQuacky

The Ravelry Group is actually quite active and there's a lot of really cool overhearings there that I've been posting here. If you hear something in a yarn shop or hear something fiber related somewhere else, you can post to the Ravelry site, or send an email to overhearinayarnshop(at)gmail(dot)com.


Your Mom!

Knitter to KnitterFriend: It's like your mom in string form!

I'm sorry...I said this one tonight at Anthropologie's Wenlan Chia workshop. Hey, at least it's a new location right? I just thought it was too funny to not post.

If you want to submit, drop an email off to overheardinayarnshop(at)gmail(dot)com or visit our Ravelry Group!